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Remove the plasters inside the mind


Today, my 6-year old daughter fell in school and got small crack in her right hand. The doctor put plaster to her hand. At first she was alright. After 1-2 hour, she started telling us to cut the plaster and was saying, “I don’t want fracture. It’s hot inside”.

I tried a lot to comfort her. We both parents felt so bad.

Pls help me what can I do for her speedy recovery. Also, for her uneasy feeling for her plaster. Plaster will remain for at least 3 weeks.

R Mohan

Based on the technique I learnt from Naran yesterday, affirm:

“I release the part in me that makes her feel unhappy”.
“I am open and align with the part in me that brings in her speedy recovery”

You can change the affirmation to suit your situation.

M (after 4 days)

My daughter is quite happy, relaxed and comfortable now and much, much better than before. Thank you….

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One Universal Mantra:

Remove mental stress:

Doing things in time

Vijayalakshmi Seshadri

My daughter is studying 6th. She has thyroid for the past 1 year. She has to travel one and half hrs to school. She gets tired, and often gets health problems.

She is very lazy in doing things also. If the bus comes by 7.30a.m, she goes to toilet only at 7o’clock. She becomes dull in studies also.

Pls help her in your way.


During morning hours, chant “HALFWAY DIVINE” continuously. She will start doing things in time.


The switch words “HALFWAY DIVINE” is not to end laziness. It is for the person who becomes tensed, and thinks that “there is no time”.